『Hellas: Worlds of Sun and Stone』【↑】



SCI-Fi in the world of Greek Legend

In ancient times, the spacefaring Hellenes and their Gods defeated an empire that threatened the entire galaxy. Now, after centuries of darkness, their enemies have returned for a final reckoning, and only a chosen few -- wielding the power of the Gods -- stand between them and certain destruction.
Hellas is an exciting fusion of high drama, action-adventure, romance, mythology-infused space opera and science fiction that features:

  • Extensive history and character background set in the world of Hellas
  • A style sheet for life in the galaxy of the Hellenes
  • Over 30 pre-constructed star ships
  • Seven thoroughly explored factions and alien races: Amazorans, Goregons, Hellenes, Nephelai, Nymphas, Kyklopes, and Zintar
  • Awesome Godly Powers and Feats befitting a champion of the galaxy
  • Clear and concise rules for the gift of the Gods of legendary power.

 つか出たら買う。船とか作れるのかな。『Silent Death』みたいなのも出来ればいいなぁ。